Abel Cahuana, Pau Cahuana, Lluís Brunet, Claudia Lluch
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Introduction: Failure of eruption of a permanent incisor is a complex and transcendental clinical situation with an etiology that is related to traumatic injury in the primary dentition, obstacles or inflammatory processes. Objective: To discover a case of failure of eruption of a maxillary incisor, treated with autotransplantation. Case report: Boy aged 10 years, with severe ectopic eruption of a permanent maxillary incisor, associated with a proximal supernumerary tooth. The treatment included the autotransplantation of the ectopic incisor and the extraction of the supernumerary tooth. Discussion: Tooth autotransplantation was a good solution for this type of failure of eruption due to a severely ectopic tooth.
Palabras Clave: Fracaso eruptivo, Ectopia dental, Diente supernumerario, Autotrasplante dental
Kassandra García Covarrubias , Erika Etcheverry Doger , Jennifer Antón Sarabia , Mario Alberto Lagunes López , José Alberto Hachity Ortega
Introducción: la rehabilitación en pacientes con c...
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